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Children 0-2 Years

Children's eye health from birth

From the moment of birth, your child is learning to see – the newborn's blurry world of light and dark progresses to the school-age child's sophisticated ability to handle complex vision tasks. Along the way, toys, games and playtime activities help by stimulating the process of vision development. Despite all your efforts, however, your child may still miss a step in vision development.

That’s why comprehensive optometric care is so important, beginning as early as 6 months of age. Your Optometrist can identify vision skill areas in need of attention and diagnose vision problems before they have a chance to impact your child's total development or learning ability. Glasses, vision therapy, specific activities or toys can all help if your child has issues.

Toy tips

Buy the proper safety equipment for older children and be certain they wear it when participating in eye hazardous sports and when using chemistry sets, workshop tools or other items with potential to cause eye injuries. Most eye injuries suffered by children occur during play or sports activities* and can be prevented.

*Source: Eye-related injuries in Australia, The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2009.
Eye test


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